18.1.2012 / Weddings

It has been an active month as far as wedding requests go. I will be really busy this year with various weddings and that is, of course, a great thing. I do love photographing weddings as it's a perfect environment for a photog; people are happy and usually the weather's nice, too. Oh, and the food.

Constant improvement is of course something I'm after and because of that, my head's bouncing with new ideas. I hope to able to cut back as much as possible on the additional lighting as it will make my travel easier but also usually translates into simpler yet more touching photography. That doesn't mean that I won't get into that Strobist-stuff, just that I'll try to find new and cool ways to utilize what's already there.

Weddings. Bring 'em!

3.1.2012 / Big year

Regardless of what some pre-Historic Mayas thought, this year is not going to be the end of the world. No. It's going to be a great year for everyone and I'm going to get to do all that cool stuff I wanted to. Both personally and professionally. I am not hoping, I am doing. Confidence, you gotta have it, right? At least I'm striving for something.

Seriously, though, last year was great. I got lots of commissions and saw the world through my lens. I am planning on creating an overview of the year because it just seems like a fun thing to do. Also, as this blog basically functions as a journal for myself, it will help me keep track of what I did and when.

So, if you're a regular reader of my blog (do those people exist?), just passing by or something, I hope you keep enjoying my photography in the future, too. Let's hope this year proves to be great for everyone!


If you're wondering, that picture is from Isla Cozumel, Mexico. Good times!

28.12.2011 / Friends make christmas

On Christmas day I went to a good friend's house for a non-formal party. What I thought was going to be a fun gathering of people close to me, became a surprise engagement party. It was incredible. Touching, even. My thoughts go out to T & A.C, to me they set the standard as to what a couple should be like. I know myself, I haven't got a clue as to how one creates a functional relationship. But these two do. Congratulations once again. Oh, and thanks for the party.

19.12.2011 / A Polish Christmas

Polish pre-christmas party. Pickels, vodka, sausages and weird music. Also, you gotta do the military step. I had an insanely good time, a really great weekend. As you can see from the pictures, Polish beverages and sharp pictures don't always go hand in hand. As Henri Cartiér-Bresson once said "sharpness is a bourgeois concept". That is my sole defense.

8.12.2011 / People going

Pheew, back again! It's been a while since last but such is life. Well, my life anyways. I'm pretty much knee deep in work, not much time for private projects. I have photographed a lot though and I hope to show you some of that at some point. While you wait, here are some pictures of people going. I know, a striking series :D Even though it may sound, and be, boring it does depict my life at its current state. Seems like I'm always on my way somewhere, always in a hurry. Hopefully christmas will bring me a little rest.